The present church was built 1903-1904. It is a miniature cathedral, with very beautiful chancel windows and medieval wooden sculptures. A warm and bright church, designed by Gustaf Hermansson in neo-Gothic style. It's the same architect who designed the Gustav Adolfskyrkan in Sundsvall. The earliest documented church, was a medieval church, built in the 1400s at Holm Sea beach. It is said that Holm has a new church for every century since then. The church that existed before the current was built 1790 – 1792. See below for more information.
Holm parish belongs Härnösands pin in his church i Anundgård (card, way).
Contact: 060-910 09, Assembly / Indalens pastorats website
Kalender: Here you can see what's happening in the churches in Holm, Indal, Liden and Sättna.
direct Links: Bible. sv. Church– Chapel, Dop, Confirmation, Wedding, Funeral.
The church can support you in many ways.
For example, it may be to talk to an on-call priest (such. 112 – weekdays 21-06), family counseling, support for you in sorrow or temporary financial help.
For more information on what the church can do for you can be found here.
Holms Flowers Fund
For Holm's Flower Fund can donate a gift for a good purpose in Holm parish. For example, the adornments of the church and the cemetery or an encouraging bouquet to someone old and sick.
Read more here.
Information and history about the church and pictures from previous construction.
Read more about the Church here on
Read reports from Liden Newspaper at the 100-year anniversary 2004 (pdf).
To read pdf documents you need Acrobat Reader (Download it here).
Pictures of Holm's Church (Click on photos to enlarge)
View of Holmsjön with the church in the center.
Holm's church, Anund Farm, choir.
Holm's church, summer 1993. Photo: Åke Johansson.
Orgelläktaren i Holm. Photographer: Barbro Thörn.
Our Lady of the Holm - Madonna sculpture. Probably hook Gullesson.
Holm's church, summer 1993. Photo: Åke Johansson.
Old church site at the lake below the current church, summer 2009.
Photo: Åke Johansson.
More pictures from Holm Church on