Mailboxes in Holm
Anund Farm, Österström, Kväcklingen, Loviken, Sandnäset, Gimåfors.
Search boxes via
Emptying time for any drawers in Holm weekdays. 9.
ICA Liden: weekdays at 10
ICA Kovland: Vardar. at 11.
Delivery of the letter / package.
Send letters and packages from home with the rural postman
You can hang a “clamp” in their own mailbox so the postman running into the yard and bring even package. If you want to send a letter or small package – and not have to listen for the postman's car horn – you can actually put them in a bag directly in the mailbox along with money. Any shift also fall into the mailbox, either directly or day after, and if you want proof, it can also be arranged.
large shipments? Call rural postman for agreement on hereinafter.
Post's postage table and price list.
Package hemlevererat with the rural postman
Do you have a package on the way to you, you can either download it from ICA Liden or get it hemlevererat with the rural postman for free. All you need is your k and postcode (86041). Then just wait for the mail truck.
Order home delivery of a package via the Internet here.
Order home delivery of a package by phone:
Kl. 7-9, Sorting Office Nacksta: 072-246 08 19
after pm. 9, Holm's rural postmen (was): 072-246 10 74
Secondarily, ring production line Nacksta: 010-436 63 29
Mail service in rural areas
people who, because of age or disability, unable to retrieve their mail in the mailbox as regular lantbrevbärarservice can also apply for the following services:
- Delivery of mail at the site boundary, In exceptional cases of dwelling house (If you are unable to get to the mailbox at the property line).
- Letter and parcel distribution with additional services such as COD, Rek, Fast and Safe.
- Retrieval of outgoing letters and packages.
- Announced parcels, Rek, and Safety awarded by the recipient requests it. Uninstall / address card handed out today 1.
- Sale of stamps after ordering.
Applications are made to the rural postman or nearest postal delivery. Post's customer service phone. 020-23 22 21 help you with contact information. More information here.
(Subject to outdated information. Always a good idea to double-check on