Holm is 50 km Northwest of Sundsvall. From Sundsvall you go about one mil on the way 86 and turn off at Kovland towards Holm on the road 320. Roads also connect Holm countryside from towns Liden, Stöde, Torpshammar and Kälarne. | Type your address below for directions to the Holm (Church). |
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Coordinates for you to navigate with GPS / navigator.
WGS84: Lat N 62°39’26” Lon E 16 ° 37'48”
Decimal: 62.6573, 16.6301
RT90: X: 6949828, And: 1542298
If you have vägnavigator and want to search by address, you can enter:
Address: Anund Farm 180, Postort: Liden.
(Holm's Church)