
Holm is located on the 62:a latitude whereby there are good chances to see the northern lights a clear winter night with a lot of geomagnetic activity in the atmosphere. Below is automatically updated observations and forecasts in order to see the northern lights. Note that the times stated here in UT. Swedish time is + 1h + 2h in winter and summer.
World Clock

Northern Lights pictures from Holm years 2022

Northern Lights requires clear weather for good visibility. See closer in the forecast for Holm or Sundsvall. Special satellite image of the current cloudy over Sweden you will find this.

Magneto Gram Sundsvall, last 24 hours (source) Activity now: Status
See time up to the right in the diagram (UTC + 1h = winter time, UTC + 2h = summertime).

Magneto Gram Sundsvall. Larger deviations in the magnetic field gives rise to more northern lights. Bz (green) a latitude whereby there are good chances to see the northern lights a clear winter night with a lot of geomagnetic activity in the atmosphere (minusladdat) a latitude whereby there are good chances to see the northern lights a clear winter night with a lot of geomagnetic activity in the atmosphere. Source. How to read the table? Se fler transcription this.

Forecast for Northern Lights over the next three days (source)
3-hour forecast for the K index at high latitudes
The bar chart provides a forecast for the northern lights in the next few days. “Kp-index” indicates geomagnetic activity. 1-3= Calm magnetic, 4-5= Active magnetic, 6-8=storm, 9= Heavy storm. From the Kp index 3 there is a chance that the northern lights can be seen from Holm and Sundsvall (source).
Learn more about Kp-Index this.

Forecast for Northern Lights on 30 my (source / source)

The model calculates the energy of the aurora oval on 30 min based on data from the ACE satellite. At values <20 GW = little / no northern lights, 20-50 GW = opportunity to see near the northern lights, >50 = Great chance to see a lot of activity and movement in the sky. >100 GW = The Northern Lights can be seen hundreds of mil away. The model shows not only the intensity of the aurora oval, but also where you can see polar lights right now. The red line shows where you can see the low polar lights on the horizon. The Northern Lights can be seen alltås north of the red line. The probability is graded by color scale.

Estimated chance of auroras today (source)

Forecasts from the Alaska Geomagnetic Institute and North of the narrow line is possible to see the aurora borealis.

See more parameters and real-time data at
The redder the meters and fields show, the higher the chance of the Northern Lights.

KP index for the next 24 hours and the last two days (Source:

Earlier activity in the past week
K-indices Tromso last week.





See more real-time gauge of the space weather data, NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center this and this, or directly from ACE satellite.

Community for the Northern Lights
Community for the Northern Lights Community for the Northern Lights Community for the Northern Lights.

What is Aurora Borealis?
Norrsken, aurora borealis, due to solar storms with electromagnetic energy which is thrown out from the sun and the earth's magnetic field results. Thereby energy is released and forms a beautiful glow. Want to learn more about the Northern Lights is a small movie about the whole process this, a Norwegian documentary this or more shorter American educational films this.

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One thought on “Norrsken

  1. This was a nicely put together carved side with good gauges. Which gives a good overview of space weather. So I have to say ; well done by the person/s who put together this page which I saved in mine “northern lights folder” on the home screen. I usually follow as well as spacewheather and NOAA ( heavy research apps ) and their gauges. When I get tired of them, I go to abisko's website ( aurora sky station ) and watch live video and camera and enjoy the appearance of the sky in real time.

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