Current temperatures in Holm:
Anund Farm , Vike
Nearest weather HOLM RURAL – Hourly (What does the arrows?)
Hour by hour: /
Rain- and flash radar: See where it's raining right now. (search “Holm”, select “Holm Sundsvall”).
Weather Stations: Holm (see temperature data below), My University, South Mountain.
Upcoming days HOLM RURAL:
Weather Holm
Flerdygnsprognos Weather History Precipitation Map Snow
NEW! Current ( ) and temperatures previously in Holm (fr. O. m. 20/1 2020)
Now you can see below, also see the current temperature, how the night's dip was or see previous notes on the thermometer in Holm. The meter is located on the north side of a house in Anundgård and delivers all times their value to website.
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Today temperatures
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The past year
Want to see temperatures for another time interval you can select and display this on
Direct links to weather data over HOLM RURAL from other sources: – Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK – Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute – A weather site with sources from among others. Foreca i Finland
Weather warnings from SMHI (Fire risk forecast you can find this.)
(Here you can find the corresponding page of the weather over SUNDSVALL)