OBS! Below is previous information, you. now out of date. The Holm Fiber association has now been wound up and can no longer join. The association with in particular its board did a great feat, who made sure that fiber broadband now 2020 is installed in Holm for those who joined the association.
Many thanks for your contribution to the development of the area!
Welcome to influence the development of rural areas and especially in your home village.
Holm Fiber på Facebook
Holm fiber Economic compound
Contact us for questions
Bo Lindroos 070-696 53 40, Stefan Yourself 073-070 34 40. E-mail: holmfiber@gmail.com
Articles about Holm Fiber on Holmbygden.se
14/3 -17: Finally fiber time! – Offer t.o.m. 31/3!
15/12 -16: Decision: Granted aid for fiber to Holm!
30/1 -16: Extraordinary Meeting of Holm Fiber
10/5 -15: Holm Fiber Annual Meeting: Read the latest news!
28/10 -14: Holm Fiber - Progress Report!
17/1 -14: Holm Fiber: Info meeting for members and other interested
8/12 -13: Holm Fiber in Sundsvall Tidning
30/11 -13: Join Holm fiber association and have the opportunity to fiber broadband!
19/10 -13: Holm fiber Economic compound
14/6 -13: Register your interest now for fiber broadband! Learn about the benefits!
We want to present the work in progress to ensure that our homeland will have access to the vital broadband network to our homeland to continue to live and develop in the future. Let us be to give our children and grandchildren and also others the opportunity to live in our beautiful homeland.
In early October 2013 formed Holm Fiber Economic Association which runs the project. Work is focused on providing villages real estate and other business around Holmsjön in eastern Jämtland and western Medelpadsgatan be included in the project. The Board consists of individuals who have largely knotting to all the villages to be targeted for work.
We have now passed the start and it is happening now is a conversation with some system suppliers where we board should decide on who should be trusted to carry out the project. The project is also on that of among others. County Administration and the Agriculture Department to apply for grants to develop our rural.
We offer all of you who live or have other types of property or businesses around Holmsjön to participate in the project. The association is composed of all the properties that have notified their interest and pay dues and annual fees to the association. Membership dues are 100:- and the annual fee is 100:- i.e. total 200:-. Currently, we have nearly 200 property owners in the association so attendance is good and we are positive about the future of work.
OBS! When you join the Association you agree not to participate and complete the project, but when you no longer want to be involved and want to go out so get back you up fee but not the annual fee for it is the means we use in the planning and design work. The only thing you are likely to be with the 100:-.
Our offer is for everyone to be able to be with. As work progressed so far that we can offer a solution, all of the Society to gather and then offered a proposed solution both in terms of economic structure and the proper conduct of the work. The state takes each member a decision to either join in and get broadband installed or decline and get off the compound and recover their dues.
Talk to neighbors, friends vacation home owners, etc. and make sure that everyone has the opportunity to be with.
We will continually post information seen on our Facebook page and other forums that are relevant. We want you to disseminate and share this information. Would you like to get in touch with us you can write to our email address holmfiber@gmail.com or call any of the board or our correspondents, contact information, we will add later.
For Holm Fiber Board
by Stefan Edin
073-070 34 40